- 005 infinite raspberry 2 ml
- 006 Really Red
- 010 elegant 15 ml
- 010 for keeps pink 2 ml
- 020 rosa pasion 15 ml
- 028 Pearl Cherry Blossom 3
- 030 rojo coral 15 ml
- 040 forever scarlet 2 ml
- 040 pink cotton 15 ml
- 041 Pearl Gold Goddess 3
- 050 fire 15 ml
- 060 snow 15 ml
- 070 sophisticated 15 ml
- 075 Peach Parfait 3
- 080 all nighty fuchsia 2 ml
- 080 marrón piedra 15 ml
- 090 rosa chicle 15 ml
- 100 Romantic Nudes
- 100 cardshark
- 100 dreams 15 ml
- 109 rojo flash 15 ml
- 110 Ivory 30 ml
- 110 lady luck
- 111 rosa noche 15 ml
- 114 fucsia seduction 15 ml
- 118 lucky in love
- 12 rose 0
- 120 Apricot Fantasy 3
- 122 tippy toes
- 130 pocket aces
- 132 heartthrob
- 14 mauve 0
- 14 tickled pink 5 g
- 140 Wine
- 15 up in charms
- 18 wine 0
- 180 Sand Beige 30 ml
- 20 all or nothing
- 20 bisque
- 200 Nude 30 ml
- 200 Seductive Smokies
- 200 fancy rose
- 205 Blonde
- 205 Champagne on Ice 3
- 210 Soft Brown
- 210 pretty kiss
- 220 Dark Brown
- 220 Mulberry
- 220 Natural Beige 30 ml
- 220 pink irl
- 225 rosewine 3
- 230 naughty mauve
- 240 Medium Beige 30 ml
- 240 stain berry lit
- 25 creme brulee
- 250 Fresh Beige 30 ml
- 250 high end coral
- 251 Blackest Black 2
- 252 Black Brown 2
- 260 crimson feels
- 270 Cherries In The Snow 14
- 270 wine trip
- 280 Bubbly 14
- 290 extra violet
- 30 light medium 6
- 30 pink pearl
- 300 Golden Beige 30 ml
- 310 Warm Golden 30 ml
- 320 True Beige 30 ml
- 325 Toast of New York 3
- 330 Natural Tan 30 ml
- 340 Earyly Tan 30 ml
- 350 Rich tTan 30 ml
- 350 bare maximum 2 ml
- 370 everlasting rum 2 ml
- 380 always sienna 2 ml
- 40 medium 6
- 400 Caramel 30 ml
- 400 royal flush
- 405 Almond 30 ml
- 405 berry treasure
- 408 what a gem
- 415 Pink in the Afternoon 3
- 423 Pink Velvet 3
- 440 Cherries in the Snow 3
- 440 Mahoqany 30 ml
- 450 Gentlemen Prefer Pink 3
- 457 Wild Orchid 3
- 460 Blushing Mauve 3
- 477 Black Cherry 3
- 490 Urban 14
- 50 medium deep 6
- 505 Decadent 4
- 510 sure thing
- 528 Passionate 4
- 528 skinny dip
- 530 Seductive 4
- 535 Rum Raisin 3
- 535 perfect pair
- 550 all on red
- 555 Moonlite 4
- 570 Vixen 14
- 6 naughty nude 5 g
- 600 queen of hearts
- 610 heartbreaker
- 616 Wink for Pink 3
- 620 Bewitching 14
- 620 roulette flush
- 625 get lucky
- 630 long shot
- 668 primrose
- 680 Revlon Red 14
- 705 Creme Brulee
- 720 Chocolate
- 720 Fire and Ice 3
- 721 Raven Red 14
- 725 Honey
- 725 love that red 3
- 730 Valentine 14
- 731 Knockout 14
- 740 Black Currant
- 740 Certainly Red 3
- 745 Cherry Blossom
- 745 Love is on 3
- 750 Siren 3
- 760 Eary Grey
- 771 Clear 14
- 825 Lovers Coral 3
- 830 light medium 8
- 840 medium 8
- 850 medium deep 8
- 860 Pink Truffle 3
- 880 translucent 8
- 900 Pink Nude 14
- 901 Fucsia 14
- 917 Plum Seduction 14
- 933 Chameleon 14
- 970 Frostiest Pink 14
- 990 Perfect Coral 14
- Barna
- Szőke
- Sötétbarna
- force of steel charcoal
- hatalmas mokka barna
- powerful plum blackened violet
- righteous rum burgundy
- royal rules cobalt blue
- éjféli titokzatos fekete